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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - escape


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~1 v 1 »PERSON/PLACE« to get away from a place when someone is trying to catch you or stop you leaving  (Anyone trying to escape will be shot!) + from/through/over etc  (Two men have escaped from Durham jail.) escape sb's clutches (=escape from them)  (They managed to escape the clutches of the Nazis and flee to Switzerland.) 2 »DANGER« to get away from a dangerous situation that is likely to harm you if you do not leave  (Only four people managed to escape before the roof collapsed.)  (escape from/through/into etc)  (The dog escaped through the back window of the bus.)  (escape sth)  (refugees escaping war and famine) 3 »GAS/LIQUID ETC« if gas, liquid, light, heat etc escapes from somewhere, it comes out when you do not want it to  (Screw the top back firmly to prevent any fumes escaping.) 4 »AVOID« to succeed in avoiding being involved in a unpleasant, difficult, or dangerous situation  (The back seat passengers escaped death by inches.) 5 »SOUND« if a sound escapes from someone's mouth, they accidentally make that sound 6 escape sb's attention/notice if something escapes your attention or notice, you do not see it or realize that it is there 7 the name/date/title escapes me spoken used when you cannot remember something  (I've met him before, but his name escapes me.) 8 there's no escaping (the fact) used to emphasize that something is definitely important or will definitely happen  (There's no escaping the fact that she did actually lie to you.) - escaped adj only before noun  (escaped prisoners) ~2 n 1 the act of getting away from a place where you do not want to be, or from an unpleasant or dangerous situation  (They had been planning their escape for months.) + from  (the story of Papillon's daring escape from Devil's Island | make your escape)  (The party was boring - we couldn't wait to make our escape. | a lucky escape (=a situation in which you were lucky to have avoided something unpleasant)) 2 a way of getting away from an unpleasant situation, especially by doing something else to avoid thinking about it  (Teenagers turn to drugs as a form of escape.) 3 an escape of gas/liquid etc an amount of gas, liquid etc that comes out of the place where it is being kept as a result of an accident  (escapes of radiation from the generating plant)  (- see also fire escape)
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  (escapes, escaping, escaped) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you escape from a place, you succeed in getting away from it. A prisoner has escaped from a jail in northern England... They are reported to have escaped to the other side of the border... He was fatally wounded as he tried to escape. VERB: no passive, V from n, V to n, V • escaped Officers mistook Stephen for an escaped prisoner. ADJ 2. Someone’s escape is the act of escaping from a particular place or situation. The man made his escape. N-COUNT: usu poss N 3. You can say that you escape when you survive something such as an accident. The two officers were extremely lucky to escape serious injury... The man’s girlfriend managed to escape unhurt... He narrowly escaped with his life when suspected right-wing extremists fired shots into his office. VERB: V n, V adj, V prep • Escape is also a noun. I hear you had a very narrow escape on the bridge. N-COUNT 4. If something is an escape, it is a way of avoiding difficulties or responsibilities. But for me television is an escape. ...an escape from the depressing realities of wartime. N-COUNT: usu sing 5. You can use escape to describe things which allow you to avoid difficulties or problems. For example, an escape route is an activity or opportunity that lets you improve your situation. An escape clause is part of an agreement that allows you to avoid having to do something that you do not want to do. We all need the occasional escape route from the boring, routine aspects of our lives... This has, in fact, turned out to be a wonderful escape clause for dishonest employers everywhere. ADJ: ADJ n 6. If something escapes you or escapes your attention, you do not know about it, do not remember it, or do not notice it. It was an actor whose name escapes me for the moment... VERB: V n 7. When gas, liquid, or heat escapes, it comes out from a pipe, container, or place. Leave a vent open to let some moist air...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  (~d; escaping)  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~r, eschaper, from Vulgar Latin *excappare, from Latin ex- + Late Latin cappa head covering, cloak  Date: 13th century  intransitive verb  1.  a. to get away (as by flight) ~d from prison  b. to issue from confinement gas is escaping  c. of a plant to run wild from cultivation  2. to avoid a threatening evil the boat sank but the crew ~d  transitive verb  1. to get free of ; break away from ~ the jungle ~ the solar system  2. to get or stay out of the way of ; avoid efforts to ~ poverty  3. to fail to be noticed or recallable by his name ~s me  4.  a. to issue from a smile ~d me  b. to be uttered involuntarily by a sigh of relief ~d her  • ~r noun Synonyms:  ~, avoid, evade, elude, shun, eschew mean to get away or keep away from something. ~ stresses the fact of getting away or being passed by not necessarily through effort or by conscious intent nothing ~s her sharp eyes. avoid stresses forethought and caution in keeping clear of danger or difficulty try to avoid past errors. evade implies adroitness, ingenuity, or lack of scruple in escaping or avoiding evaded the question by changing the subject. elude implies a slippery or baffling quality in the person or thing that ~s what she sees in him eludes me. shun often implies an avoiding as a matter of habitual practice or policy and may imply repugnance or abhorrence you have shunned your responsibilities. eschew implies an avoiding or abstaining from as unwise or distasteful a playwright who eschews melodrama.  II. noun  Date: 14th century  1. an act or instance of escaping: as  a. flight from confinement  b. evasion of something undesirable  c. leakage or outflow especially of a fluid  d. distraction or relief from routine or reality  2. a means of ~  3. a cultivated plant run wild  III. adjective  Date: 1817  1. providing a means of ~ ~ literature  2. providing a means of evading a regulation, claim, or commitment an ~ clause in a contract ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v. 1 intr. (often foll. by from) get free of the restriction or control of a place, person, etc. 2 intr. (of a gas, liquid, etc.) leak from a container or pipe etc. 3 intr. succeed in avoiding danger, punishment, etc.; get off safely. 4 tr. get completely free of (a person, grasp, etc.). 5 tr. avoid or elude (a commitment, danger, etc.). 6 tr. elude the notice or memory of (nothing escapes you; the name escaped me). 7 tr. (of words etc.) issue unawares from (a person, a person's lips). --n. 1 the act or an instance of escaping; avoidance of danger, injury, etc. 2 the state of having escaped (was a narrow escape). 3 a means of escaping (often attrib. : escape hatch). 4 a leakage of gas etc. 5 a temporary relief from reality or worry. 6 a garden plant running wild. Phrases and idioms escape clause Law a clause specifying the conditions under which a contracting party is free from an obligation. escape road a road for a vehicle to turn into if unable to negotiate a bend, descent, etc., safely (esp. on a racetrack). escape velocity the minimum velocity needed to escape from the gravitational field of a body. escape wheel a toothed wheel in the escapement of a watch or clock. Derivatives escapable adj. escaper n. Etymology: ME f. AF, ONF escaper ult. f. med.L (as EX-(1), cappa cloak) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) утечка, течь; просачивание; улетучивание (газа) вытекать; просачиваться; улетучиваться (о газе) 2) выделение (газа, жидкости) выделяться (о газе, жидкости) 3) сброс сбрасывать (воду) 4) выпуск, выпускное отверстие 5) сбросное сооружение, (водо)сброс 6) (запасный) выход выходить 7) покидание (воздушного судна при аварийной посадке) 8) вчт. переход (с одного языка на другой или с регистра на регистр печатающего устройства) 9) вылет (частицы) 10) передвижная телескопическая пожарная лестница to trap oil escapes — улавливать выделение нефти - emergency escape - fire escape - gas escape - lateral escape - locking escape - neutron escape - nonlocking escape - oil escape - sediment escape - slide fire escape - tail escape - tube fire escape ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  утечка аварийный выброс вредностей водосброс на канале, отводящее русло эвакуация (людей при пожаре) выход, путь эвакуации (из здания) выкружка базы колонны air escape fire escape ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) выход; выходить 2) переход; переходить ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) аварийный выброс 2) водосброс, отводящее русло 3) утечка утекать; вытекать 4) эвакуация; путь эвакуации (людей при пожаре) 5) просачивание; улетучивание просачиваться; улетучиваться 6) выпуск; выход 7) аварийный; спасательный - emergency escape - flue dust escape - resonance escape - vapour escape ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) побег 2) избавление, спасение 3) утечка (капитала) • - escape liability 2. гл. 1) избавляться 2) избегать 3) ускользать 4) давать утечку ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) утечка, истечение; просачиваться 2) уход; избегание; бегство 3) выделение 4) одичавшее культурное растение – tolerance escape ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. бегство, побег to make good one's escape —- совершить удачный побег to make one's escape by a back door —- сбежать через черный ход an escape from captivity —- побег из плена to seek escape from the heat —- пытаться спастись от жары 2. уход из жизни, замыкание (в самом себе) escape literature, literature of escape —- эскапистская литература, литература, уводящая от основных проблем жизни (детективная, развлекательная) 3. избавление, спасение doom from which there is no escape —- судьба, от которой не убежишь to find no escape from the dilemma —- не найти выхода из трудного положения to have a narrow escape —- едва избежать опасности, быть на волосок (от смерти) 4. утечка (газа, пара) 5. мед. выделение, истечение escape of blood —- кровотечение 6. выпуск (газа, пара) 7. тех. выпускное отверстие 8. одичавшее культурное растение 9. рывок (борьба) 10. уходы с ковра (борьба) 11. гидр. сброс, водосброс на канале escape canal —- сточный канал 12. физ. высвобождение, вылет (частицы) 13. юр. заключенный, совершивший побег 14. переход 15. выход escape code —- управляющий код escape key —- клавиша выхода 16. бежать (из заключения); совершать побег, убегать (из тюрьмы) to escape pursuit —- ускользнуть от преследования he escaped to the mountains —- он скрылся в горах 17. уходить, отключаться to escape from everyday life —- уйти...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  ladder спасательная лестница ESCAPE route дорога к отступлению ESCAPE hatch  а) десантный люк  б) люк для выхода в космическое пространство (в космическом корабле) ESCAPE  1. noun  1) бегство; побег; fig. уход от действительности  2) избавление; спасение to have a hairbreadth escape - едва избежать опасности, быть на волосок от чего-л.  3) истечение, выделение (крови и т.п.)  4) утечка (газа, пара и т.п.); выпуск (газа, пара)  5) tech. выпускное отверстие  6) одичавшее культурное растение  7) attr. спасательный - escape ladder - escape route - escape hatch - escape velocity  2. v.  1) бежать, совершать побег (из заключения, плена) (from; to) Two criminals escaped from prison last night. Young people often desire to escape from their parents. The criminals escaped to London. I hear that our married neighbour has escaped to her lover.  2) избежать (опасности), спастись; избавиться; отделаться to escape punishment - избежать наказания  3) уходить, отключаться, отстраняться, замыкаться в себе  4) давать утечку; улетучиваться  5) ускользать your point escapes me - я не улавливаю вашей мысли his name had escaped my memory - не могу припомнить его имени nothing escapes you! - все-то вы замечаете!  6) вырываться (о стоне и т.п.) Syn: abscond, flee, fly, retreat, run away see avoid Ant: confront, face, give up, remain, submit, surrender ESCAPE clause dipl. пункт договора, предусматривающий отказ от взятого...
Англо-русский словарь
  hosp. abbr. Eliminate Substitute Control And Prevent Exposure environ. abbr. The Exotic Species Compendium Of Activities To Protect The Ecosystem educ. abbr. Education Showing Children Awareness And Procedures For Evacuations sport abbr. Emergency Survival Camping And Preparedness Equipment ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - c.1300, from O.N.Fr. escaper, from O.Fr. eschaper, from V.L. *excappare, lit. "get out of one's cape, leave a pursuer with just one's cape," from L. ex- "out of" + L.L. cappa "mantle." Escapist is from 1930; escapism is from 1933. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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